On Wednesday, September 26, 2018, the holy relics of St. Nikiphoros the Leper were brought to the Hermitage Chapel of St. Nikiphoros for a special blessing. The Paraklesis service to St. Nikiphoros was celebrated, and the holy relics were made available for veneration. On Sunday, September 30, the holy relics will be brought to All Saints of North America Orthodox Church for veneration, two days before the Church of St. Nikiphoros will be consecrated by several hierarchs and many faithful, including the Patriarchs of Constantinople, Alexandria, Jerusalem, and many more hierarchs. The parishioners of ASONA made a special gift to help the building up of the Church of St. Nikiphoros, and … [Read more...]
The Life of an Orthodox Christian
I must say, this was simple, but impressive in its scope and treatment. Enjoy! … [Read more...]
About the Particles Taken out During the Proskomedia
“And there will be one flock and one shepherd” (John 10:16). Since ancient Apostolic times the Liturgy was served with one Bread (and one Chalice) following Christ’s example. This tradition remained in the West. In the East, according to Archimandrite Cyprian (Kern), “The Byzantine Empire weaved a lot of theological and mystical patterns in the liturgical cloth”. In particular, the best bread was chosen as the lamb, while small particles were taken out from all the other breads and placed on the diskos near the lamb in memory of those who had brought those breads (such liturgical tradition exists since 11th century; before that time all the other breads were just raised with … [Read more...]
Archbishop Demetrios: 2018 Dormition Encyclical
Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As we celebrate this blessed Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos, “in radiant joy with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs together with the angels and the apostles,” we give thanks to God for the revelation of His abundant grace and glorious power through the life and witness of the Virgin Mary. In our commemoration of her and the holiness of her life and service, we are reminded of the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, All things are possible to the one who believes. (Mark 9:23). This assurance of Christ, that through faith the impossible becomes possible, that as people of God we can move beyond limitations to accomplish great and … [Read more...]
What Did the Orthodox Missionaries Bring to the Native Alaskans?
Fr. Michael Oleksa is the former Dean of St. Herman Orthodox Theological Seminary in Kodiak, AK. Fr. Michael's words echoes what St. Justin Martyr wrote about the ancient Greek philosophers in his First Apology: "Those who lived in accordance with the Logos are Christians, even though they were called godless, such as, among the Greeks, Socrates and Heraclitus and others like them... So also those who lived before Christ and did not live by the Logos were ungracious and enemies of Christ, and murderers of those who lived by the Logos. But those who lived by the Logos, and those who so live now, are Christians, fearless and unperturbed." … [Read more...]
First Infant Baptism at ASONA
Today was the occasion of the first infant baptism at All Saints of North America Orthodox Church. We broke in our new baptismal font, a traditional style Orthodox baptismal font recently received from Greece, and in the gracious chapel of St. Mary the Virgin at All Saints of the Desert Episcopal Church, celebrated the ancient rite of Holy Baptism, Holy Chrismation, and Holy Communion. The newly illumined warrior of Christ, Olav, was an attentive and well behaved baby, and even clung to the vestments of the priest at several places during the service! Here is another gallery of photos of the day. Thank you to everyone who contributed to taking such great pictures of our inaugural infant … [Read more...]
July 24th LIVE Webinar for GreatMartyr Euphemia Academy
On Tuesday, July 24th, the feast of St. Euphemia the All-Praised, the faculty of the GreatMartyr Euphemia Orthodox Theological Academy will be hosting a LIVE online webinar for students, prospective students, and inquirers. The LIVE Webinar will begin at 8 pm Eastern/5 pm AZ/Pacific time. Click this link to sign up for this webinar. Everyone who signs up will receive the link on Tuesday morning, but only the first 100 people will be admitted. It is first come, first served. This is your chance to get more information about the courses, program, get your questions answered, talk to the Academy team (your future professors), learn what to expect in the coming semester, and … [Read more...]
Orthodox Mission at the Dawn of the Digital Era
Reworking and organizing ecclesiastical mission for the benefit of future generations A presentation given at the 2nd International Conference on Digital Media and Pastoral Care at the Orthodox Academy of Crete, Kolymbari by Fr. John A. Peck In the name of the +Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Esteemed hierarchs, fathers and brothers, guests, and fellow Christians, As the 21st century since our Lord's incarnation has shown, contemporary man is in an existential crisis. Confusion over simple, scientifically verifiable facts (life, marriage, gender identity) and their place in the Orthodox Tradition has plagued many, including some otherwise noteworthy Orthodox … [Read more...]
Inaugural Patronal Feast is Celebrated with Great Joy!
The inaugural feast of All Saints of North America was celebrated this past weekend with great joy. A festal luncheon at the local Papadeaux's Seafood Kitchen kicked off the celebration. Gifts were given to visiting clergy, and everyone had a great time! The meal and service was amazing, and the fun was contageous. If you missed it, you missed a really good time. A good sign for the weekend and for the future of our mission. Saturday evening, Great Vespers was followed by a meet-and-greet for parishioners and Academy students with Fr. Damaskinos Alazrai and Fr. Thaddaeus Hardenbrook, both professors at the GreatMartyr Euphemia Orthodox Theological Academy. Sunday Divine Liturgy began with … [Read more...]
On the Duties of a Choir Singer
Cursed is the man that doeth the work of the Lord carelessly. (Jer. 48:10) You have begun to sing in the choir; therefore, you glorify the Lord in the image of the heavenly hosts, who ceaselessly sing praise to the glory of their Creator and Lord. How fortunate you are! But do you acknowledge the full sacredness and importance of this godly work, which incomparably more than any other work is worthy to be called godly work? If not, then it is not superfluous to remind you of the threatening and terrible words of the Prophet: Cursed is the man that doeth the work of the Lord carelessly (Jer. 48:10). You see to what a terrible accountability those are liable who negligently and carelessly … [Read more...]
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