by Fr. Andrei Chizhenko A sin is confessed, but it continues to bother your conscience. What should you do? Must it be confessed a second time? Fr. Andrei Chizhenko examines the issue. The holy fathers compare sin with a weed in a garden, and the garden, accordingly, with the heart. They spoke about how the battle with sin continues unto death. Just as a garden needs to be weeded constantly, so we need to fight with our sins, first of all by frequent Confession. Here, dear brothers and sisters, I would like to say that in priestly practice, you’re often faced with the fact that in the mind of parishioners, the Sacrament of Confession is often inseparable from the Sacrament of Communion. … [Read more...]
Why Didn’t the Holy Spirit Come Right After the Ascension?
by St. John Chrysostom But why did the Holy Spirit come to them, not while Christ was present, nor even immediately after his departure, but, whereas Christ ascended on the fortieth day, the Spirit descended “when the day of Pentecost,” that is, the fiftieth, “was fully come?”(Acts 2:1) And how was it, if the Spirit had not yet come, that He said, “Receive ye the Holy Spirit?” (John 20:22) In order to render them capable and meet for the reception of Him. For if Daniel fainted at the sight of an Angel (Dan. 8:17), much more would these when about to receive so great a grace. Either this then is to be said, or else that Christ spoke of what was to come, as if it came already; as … [Read more...]
The Feast of Mid-Pentecost and the Pentecostarion
The fifty days following Pascha until the Feast of Pentecost are known as the period of the Pentecostarion in the Orthodox Church. At the mid-point between these great feasts of Pascha and Pentecost, on the twenty-fifth day which is always a Wedneday, is one of the most beloved feasts for the most devout Orthodox Christians known quit simply as Mid-Pentecost. Mid-Pentecost is to the Pentecostarion what the Third Sunday of Great Lent which honors the Holy Cross is to the period of Great Lent. It is a day which helps us focus on the central theme of the entire period. Whereas the mid-point of Great Lent reminds us to bear up the Cross of Christ bravely so that we may daily die with Christ in … [Read more...]
On the Day of Rejoicing
On Tuesday of St. Thomas week we remember those Orthodox Christians from all ages who have died in faith, and in the hope of resurrection. There are indications of this commemoration in the sermons of the Fathers of the Church. The great Church father, St. John Chrysostom, for example, mentions it in his homily “On the Cemetery and the Cross.” In pre-Revolutionary Russia bars remained closed and alcoholic beverages were not sold until this Day of Rejoicing so that the joy people felt would be because of the Resurrection, and not an artificial joy brought on by alcohol. Today the Church remembers its faithful members at Liturgy, and koliva is offered in remembrance of those who have fallen … [Read more...]
Pascha “under the stars”
Christ is Risen! Indeed, He is Risen! We celebrated a memorable Holy Week and Pascha this year, and here are some of the highlights. It truly was a Pascha to remember. We had visitors, including one that flew up to the top of the cross, and the joy of the Resurrection, and the love for all was palpable! Thank you to everyone who took photos or video, or who participated online! Christ is Risen! Indeed, He is Risen! … [Read more...]
The Days Before Us: Paschal Season
Each Sunday in the Paschal Season is devoted to a particular theme. The broad theme of the Paschal season is water. Bright Week On Bright Monday, for example, it is traditional for Orthodox women to ‘sprinkle’ the men (especially the priest) with holy water. On Bright Tuesday, the men sprinkle the women. Bright Friday is devoted to the icon of the Theotokos of the Life-Giving Spring. This is dedicated to the miracles our Lord has shown, and continues to show, flowing from a fountain in a Church dedicated to the Theotokos. See more in the Feasts of Faith insert. This also recalls the miracles that will be commemorated for the rest of the Paschal season. Thomas Sunday Theme: Christ the … [Read more...]
The Days Before Us: Holy Week
Each Day in Holy Week is devoted to a particular theme. Review these each day with members of your family, especially your children, during the coming week. The Beginning of the Cross Lazarus Saturday "Having fulfilled Forty Days... we ask to see the Holy Week of Thy Passion." With these words sung at Vespers, Lent comes to its end and we enter into the annual commemoration of Christ's suffering, death and Resurrection. It begins on Lazarus Saturday. The double feast of Lazarus' resurrection and the Entrance of the Lord to Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) is described in liturgical texts as the "beginning of the Cross" and is to be understood therefore, within the context of the Holy Week. … [Read more...]
Christ: The “Trojan Horse” of Redemption
by Fr. Patrick Henry Reardon The same monastic tradition that determined the psalms to be prayed at Thursday Matins also prescribed Psalms 75 and 91 (Hebrew 76 and 92) to be recited at Matins of Friday (Cf. The Rule of Saint Benedict, ch. 13). Because this sixth day of the week is “the day on which the Bridegroom is taken away” (Mark 2:20), the Church has always, from apostolic times, kept it as a fast day (Didache 8.1). Consequently, it is hardly surprising to find the theme of the Lord’s Passion in Psalms 75 and 91. The emphasis on the divine anger in these two psalms, however, differs considerably from that of the Thursday psalms. Whereas Jesus faces God’s wrath in Psalms 87 and … [Read more...]
“To Whom Was the Blood of Christ Offered” by St. Gregory the Theologian
By St. Gregory the Theologian More on Atonement – an Excerpt from “On Holy Pascha”, Homily 45 Now we are to examine another fact and dogma, neglected by most people, but in my judgment well worth inquiring into. To whom was that Blood offered that was shed for us, and why was it shed? I mean the precious and renowned Blood of our God and High Priest and Sacrifice. We were detained in bondage by the Evil One, sold under sin, and receiving pleasure in exchange for wickedness. Now, since a ransom belongs only to him who holds in bondage, I ask to whom was this offered, and for what cause? If to the Evil One, fie upon the outrage! If the robber receives ransom, not only from God, but a … [Read more...]
Services Continue at ASONA
OUR SERVICES WILL GO ON, and you can view them LIVE at the All Saints of North America Facebook page. We will be posting news and updates on our Facebook page also, as well as texting/emailing you on a very regular basis with updates. Flocknote is our principle platform for getting you information. We will also update our website. You can also expect regular calls and email from me, and from Parish Council members who live in your area. Instructions for viewing our Facebook page (whether or not you are on Facebook yourself!), are below. ASONA live-stream now available on our website. Click HERE to watch it. LIVE-STREAMING PLATFORM INSTRUCTIONS We will be broadcasting our services, at … [Read more...]
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