President: Matushka Deborah Peck
Treasurer: Amy Jones
Secretary: Mary-Elaine McGinn
The Sisterhood of St. Olga is ASONA’s women’s group with a mission of caring for the physical plant, beautification of the parish, and aiding the needy. Regular fundraisers are held to raise funds for parish needs, beautification, and iconography. The patron of our sisterhood is St. Olga of Kwethluk (Alaska), whose loving care and hospitality are legendary.
ASONA Bookstore: Barbara Gill
Fundraisers: Amy Jones
Parish Library: Kay Fulghum
Prayer Chain: Kay Fulghum
Prosphora baking: Denice Flippo
Sanctuary Decoration and Flowers: Mka. Mary Macpherson & Mka. Rachel Peck
Sunshine (B-day & Ann. Cards): Destiny & Lucinda Riles
Meal train and Mercy meals: vacant

Holy Matushka Olga, pray for us!