A timely topic for anyone concerned about the attacks on the family, particularly Christian families, in the world today. Orthodox Christian parents, Godparents, Grandparents, and newly married couples planning on having children will find much worth hearing, and great encouragement. As the world rages against the family, and children in particular, the Church offers answers (not promises), and time tested strategies that work for guiding and protecting your family.
When: Saturday, October 14 and Sunday October 15
Where: All Saints of North America Orthodox Church, 9502 W. Hutton Dr. Sun City, AZ 85351
Cost: only $20 (includes refreshments and a lunch)
Registration is closed
This is the Second Annual Spiritual Retreat: The Orthodox family in Crisis is offered by the Vicariate for Palestinian/Jordanian Orthodox Christian Communities in the US. This spiritual retreat will feature the following presentations:
“The Sacrament of Marriage” by Archimandrite Damaskinos Alazrai, PhD, Archimandrite of the Ecumenical Throne
“The Domestic Church” by V. Rev. Dr. Thaddaeus Hardenbrook, rector of St. Lawrence Orthodox Christian Church in Felton, CA.
“The Family in Crisis: Survival Strategies that Work” by Fr. John A. Peck, All Saints of North America Orthodox Church, Sun City, AZ.
As a special blessing, there will be an Akathist service to Ss. Joachim and Anna (those couples wishing to conceive a child should attend) and, on Sunday, Oct. 15th at 10:45am, we will receive the relics of the following North American saints;
Contact Fr. John A. Peck at 928-910-2186 for more information