Being an Orthodox Christian means being in agreement with the teachings of the Orthodox Church.
The Orthodox faith is Orthodox in morality. We know you care about your children. We do, too. Specifically, we know very well that while many, including many so-called ‘churches’ may change their moral teachings with the whims of society, or the tyranny of what’s generating outrage in the last 5 minutes, our teachings, based on the Revelation of Jesus Christ Himself, do not change. Our teachings protect your children from profane knowledge and amoral ideology.
The modern world is dysfunctional in many ways, and distorted in even more. Most people recognize this, but find themselves questioning their own hearts when things they inherently know are wrong are suddenly considered ‘right’ ‘good’ and ‘moral’. Individually, this is called ‘gaslighting’, but culturally, it is just cultural tyranny.
It seems ridiculous to have to state that science is in accordance with the Orthodox Church’s teachings, but here we are. From the moment of conception, a new human life is formed. This means that human abortion has always been considered the murder of an innocent human being in the Orthodox Church, even though it has become a sacrament to anti-Christian forces, and a cash cow to leftist political groups. There is so much we can say about it, but suffice it to say that Orthodoxy condemns the sin of abortion. Period.
Though always seemingly fashionable to the world, fornication is always a deadly sin. Sexual relations outside the boundaries of lawful marriage is likened to idolatry in the Bible, and vice versa. No matter the circumstances, Orthodoxy condemns the sin of fornication.
Being a holy state instituted by God Himself as a part of His deliberate design for humanity, it is easy to see the results of the breakdown of marriage in society. Rampant unwed pregnancies, broken families, fatherless sons and daughters, and a growing sense that there is no meaning to life, living, or pursuing any thing of value (if marriage has no value, nothing else does either), it is the common marriage of common men and common women which welds society together, and without which society withers and disperses. Marriage as instituted and intended by God is an image and mystery of the relationship between Christ and His Church. One man and one woman make a marriage. Orthodoxy condemns any other ‘variation’ as destructive and sinful.
The Orthodox Church understands that gender dysphoria is a mental illness, and often the result of abuse. Consequently, we do not bless things which are destructive or damaging to the soul. Just as we do not blame a person out of their mind with fever for their actions in a fevered state, so we do not blame the victims of this mental illness, but lovingly seek their healing and integration as a whole person.
Witchcraft, Paganism, New Age Spiritualist practices
If you wonder why spiritual dysfunction, exorcisms, and deep despair are an epidemic today, wonder no more. Not every spiritual experience is good, and not every spiritual contact is friendly. The Scriptures are abundantly clear as to the danger of such experiences for the soul. The practices of witchcraft (modern Wicca), neo-paganism, ‘saging’, beliefs in reincarnation, astrology, seances, ecstatic speech (sometimes called ‘angelic speech’, other New Age beliefs such as the Enneagram, chakras, or that ‘crystals’ or ‘pyramids’ are sources of spiritual energy, etc. are condemned by the Orthodox Church as spiritual poison, or dynamite. You can only play with these for a short time before becoming a slave of deep delusion, and spiritual pride.
Many of these strange practices have made their way into other ‘churches’ – but the Orthodox Church knows them for what they are: Demonic counterfeits of genuine spiritual experiences.