On Sunday, August 1st ASONA will hold the first Instructional Proskomedia in 3 years.
The Proskomedia (from the Greek προσκομιδή, “offering”), sometimes referred to as prothesis (from the Greek πρόϑεσις, “setting forth”) or proskomide, is the Office of Oblation celebrated by the priest prior to the Divine Liturgy during which the bread and wine are prepared for the Eucharist. The Proskomedia is a prerequisite for the Divine Liturgy. The priest conducts the Office of Oblation behind the Iconostasis at the Table of Oblation or Table of Preparation that is located to the left of the Altar Table.
Proskomedia, when translated to English, means “preparation.”
Don’t miss this chance to see the first 1/3 of Divine Liturgy that takes place before you usually arrive at Church.
Ask questions, get your children, and spiritual children, to attend and learn from this intensely Biblical and prophetic activity.