The inaugural feast of All Saints of North America was celebrated this past weekend with great joy. A festal luncheon at the local Papadeaux’s Seafood Kitchen kicked off the celebration. Gifts were given to visiting clergy, and everyone had a great time! The meal and service was amazing, and the fun was contageous. If you missed it, you missed a really good time. A good sign for the weekend and for the future of our mission.
Saturday evening, Great Vespers was followed by a meet-and-greet for parishioners and Academy students with Fr. Damaskinos Alazrai and Fr. Thaddaeus Hardenbrook, both professors at the GreatMartyr Euphemia Orthodox Theological Academy.
Sunday Divine Liturgy began with the reception of the relics of three North America Saints: St. Herman of Alaska, St. Tikhon of Moscow, and St. Raphael of Brooklyn. The festal liturgy filled the chapel with communicants. Afterwards, again, a reception with light refreshments took place, culminating in the distribution of ASONA Prayerbooks for the faithful.
Thanks to everyone who sacrificed, generously gave, and helped out to prepare for our first patronal feast. It was glorious!
And the feast was covered by, the largest Greek Orthodox website in the world!