Great Lent Resource Page
This page will provide a growing list of articles and resources for a fruitful Great Lent.
Before the Fast, by St. John of Shangai
Preparation for Great Lent, by S. V. Bulgakov
First Week of Great Lent
- A Song of Repentance: The Canon of St. Andrew of Crete
- What is an Anathema? by St. Theophan the Recluse
- Why the Holy Church proclaims “Anathema”
- The Synodikon of Orthodoxy
- On the Sunday of Orthodoxy, by St. Luke, Archbishop of Crimea
- Sermon on the Sunday of Orthodoxy, by St. Tikhon of Moscow
- Sermon on the Triumph of Orthodoxy, by Archbishop Averky (Taushev)
- Sunday of Orthodoxy Homily, by Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh
- Farewell Sermon on the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, by St. Tikhon of Moscow
Second Week of Great Lent
- On the Essence and Energies of God, by Vladimir Lossky
- Genuine and False Experiences of the Grace of God
- “Prayer without Ceasing” is Necessary for All Christians, by St. Gregory Palamas
- Sermon on St. Gregory Palamas Sunday, by Met. Anthony of Sourozh
- St. Gregory Palamas: Traditionalist or Innovator? by Jesse Dominick
- St. Gregory Palamas: More on Fasting
- Gregory Palamas: Knowledge, Prayer & Vision, by M.C. Steenberg
- Palamas: The Dispute With Barlaam, by Met. Hierotheos Vlachos
- Knowledge of God according to Palamas, by Met. Hierotheos Vlachos
Third Week of Great Lent
- The Antichrist, the Cross and the Third Sunday in Lent, by St. Gregory Palamas
- Out Of The Cross, by Fr. Patrick Henry Reardon
- Sermon on the Sunday of the Cross, by Met. Anthony of Sourozh
- On the Holy Cross, by St. John Chrysostom
- On The Cross, by St. Theophan the Recluse
- Cross & Death, Cup & Baptism, Servant & Slave, by Fr. Patrick Henry Reardon
- The Reason Orthodox Christians Cross Themselves from Right to Left
- The Cross – The Preserver of the Universe, by St. John Maximovitch
Fourth Week of Great Lent
- What Repentance is, by St. John Climacus
- On Obtaining True Prayer, by St. John Climacus
- Sermon for the Sunday of St. John Climacus, by Metroplitan Philaret
- The Ladder of Divine Ascent and Moral Improvement, by Fr. Stephen Freeman
- Why Go To Church Every Sunday, by Hieromartyr Daniel Sisoyev
- The Marks of a True Christian, by St. Anastasius the Sinaite
- Many Confess, Few Repent
- What Is Authentic Interior Worship? by Fr. Patrick Henry Reardon
- Paradise and Hell are the Same Reality, by Fr. George Metallinos