German Politician Warns Of An Event September 24
The world’s hottest housing markets are facing a painful reset
A Food Shortage Simulation Predicted A 400% Rise In The Cost Of Food
Bird flu hits turkey supply ahead of Thanksgiving
Poultry Plant Catches Fire Due to ‘Unknown’ Causes
Supply Chain Problems Are Getting Worse, Not Better, for U.S. Food Retailers
Fire Causes $300K In Damage To Global Food Processing Plant In Maryland
France bracing for ‘catastrophic’ food shortages following drought, farmers and unions warn
Sausage recall: 2 tons of sausage recalled due to possible contamination
Originally broadcast 09-12-22
We reveal more and more that we are in the midst of what Tucker Carlson called a global suicide pact. We’ll update the continuous stream of information about the ‘jab’ and its effects. We will also cover the latest about food shortages, plant fires, and supply breakdowns, including what European countries are starting to endure.
Covid-19 Revelations
‘Irrefutable Proof’ That mRNA Vaccines Cause Vascular and Organ Damage: Study
AUSTRALIA: Global Centre to Create mRNA-Like Therapy for ‘Next Pandemic’
Cardiologist: Spike Proteins Generated by COVID-19 Vaccines Are ‘Toxic’ to Heart
CCP’s COVID Lockdowns During Mid-Autumn Festival Leave Many Starving
2022 Excess Deaths All Around the World Raise an Alarm
More Reports of COVID Vaccine-Linked Heart Inflammation in Young Males Submitted to CDC
Tens of Millions in China Under New COVID-19 Lockdown Ahead of CCP Meeting
Pharmaceutical Adverse Reactions Are Skyrocketing
EXCLUSIVE: FDA Refuses to Provide Key COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Analyses
Deaths are Soaring in Highly Vaccinated Victoria, Australia
Canadian PM Trudeau Threatens To Reimpose COVID Restrictions & Mandates