As promised, here is a list of books recommended for parents to have going forward. As concern over stability continues to impact delivery services unexpectedly, I believe every parent should have the basic books which will allow them to enrich the lives of their children and raise them as godly Orthodox Christians.
Now, these are the books I can recommend because they had value for us raising our own unruly brood. This does not include books or readings which form a part of our parish catechumenate (like Clark Carlton’s “The Faith”). See our List of Activities to Complete before Baptism for those
By no means is this an exhaustive list, but these books will provide parents with the tools and materials to advance their own knowledge and faith, and to rightly guide and raise up their children with piety, self-control, and faith.
The Holy Bible
Every child should have their own Bible at a certain age, and the family should have a larger KJV Bible. There are many ‘Childrens Bibles’ out there which are good storybooks for younger children.
The Law of God
by Archpriest Seraphim Slobodsky
Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future
by Fr. Seraphim Rose
The Orthodox Faith
by Fr. Thomas Hopko (4 volumes)
ESPECIALLY Volume 2 – Worship
if you only get one of these, get Volume 2 – Worship
How to Live a Holy Life
by Gregory Postnikov (Author)
Seraphim Englehardt (Translator)
The Path to Salvation
by St. Theophan the Recluse
Making God Real in the Orthodox Christian Home
Fr. Anthony Coniaris
The Way of the Pilgrim
Surprised by Christ
by Fr. James Bernstein
The Book of Virtues
by William J. Bennett
Marriage and Virginity
according to St. John Chrysostom
by Archpriest Josiah Trenham
The Prologue of Ohrid
and all the other books on the Lives of Saints you can buy
Our local monasteries have a multitude of these, and some published specifically for small children.
These are usually stories of their lives, struggles, and virtues, which provide powerful lessons to young children and adults alike.
Also see
Ancient Faith Radio’s List of Books Every Orthodox Child Should Own