by Fr. Thomas Soroka
To sincere converts to the Orthodox Faith and those who are seeking: I descend from a very long line of Orthodox Christians by the mercy of God. I also descend from generations of Orthodox clergy. My father, two uncles, my grandfather and great uncle were all priests, having been raised in a pious lineage of Orthodox Christians.
Our family life in the church goes back for generations upon generations.
I want you to know that you are valued as a convert by those of us who were born into the Church and seek to maintain Her Tradition. No matter your ethnic background, family lineage, previous religious affiliation, or educational level, you are a full member of the Church of Christ. You are not a second class citizen in the Kingdom of God. You are not a threat, even if some might make you feel that way.
Your zeal for Christ, your desire to learn and grow, your faithfulness to the Tradition, your love for worship, your defense of the Truth, your tireless service to others, all of this is a confirmation that your life in the Church has been blessed by God and enlivened by the Holy Spirit. Those who would label certain sincere converts as a threat to Orthodoxy are simply promoting their own failed agenda, but not the will of God.
You are sincerely loved as a full member of the Church and we are brothers and sisters in Christ. We are one in Christ with you and fellow workers with God.
Do not be discouraged in well doing.