Originally broadcast: November 23, 2021
Here are the article links from Tuesday’s class.
Why Are so Many Healthy Athletes Collapsing?
Australian Army Begins Transferring COVID-Positive, Contacts To Quarantine Camps
Australian Defense Forces are ‘transporting citizens and families to Quarantine Camps’
“Build Back Better” Cuts Out Childcare By Religious Organizations
FDA Asks Court for 55 Years to Fully Release Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Data
‘Most vaccinated’ place on earth cancels Christmas
Merkel Says Covid Spike ‘Worse Than Anything We’ve Seen’
German Politicians Refuse To Rule Out Mandatory COVID Vaccination
Covid-19 Vaccine Injured Create Websites
Germany announces new restrictions for the unvaccinated as infection rate hits record
Germany, Greece Impose New Restrictions for Unvaccinated People
Punishments set for US troops who refuse vaccination
This is why everything is so expensive, and why nobody in power seems to care
TV tips for managing your unvaccinated relatives this Christmas
Bayer executive: mRNA shots are ‘gene therapy’ marketed as ‘vaccines’ to gain public trust
Smallpox vials found in lab near Philadelphia
Doctor Exposes How Some COVID Patients Were Euthanized Instead of Treated
Scientists mystified, wary, as Africa avoids COVID disaster
Melbourne Covid Storm Troopers arrest 12 year-old girl
Hate crimes against Christians on the rise in Europe
Santa Cruz County Will Require Masks In Private Homes
ALWAYS FOLLOW THE MONEY: Hospitals’ Incentive Payments for COVID-19
In Case With Global Implications, Finland Puts Christians On Trial For Their Faith
ACS Risk Biomarkers Significantly Increase After mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine
Oklahoma Bill Would Allow Employees to Sue for $1 Million Over Mandated Vaccines
Leaked Audio Reveals How California Teachers Recruit Kids Into LGBTQ Clubs